Describe the steps of the buyer decision.

Describe the steps of the buyer decision.

I. Need recognition / Problem recognition
II. Information search
III. Alternative evaluation
IV. Purchase decision
V. Post-purchase behavior

Stage 1 - Need recognition: It's sunday night. You're hungry (internal physiological stimuli) and there is nothing in the fridge. You will order food (statement of need).

Stage 2 - Information search: You already have ordered to the Indian restaurant in your street last month (internal information). A friend recommended a pizzeria in your neighbourhood (external information from environment). And this morning you've found a flyer for a sushi restaurant in your mailbox (external information from advertising).

Stage 3 - Alternative evaluation: You have a bad opinion of the Indian restaurant since you've been sick the last time (inept set). The pizzeria is both recommended by your friend and also happens to be a well-known brand (positive perception - evoked set). As for the sushi restaurant, it got good reviews on Tripadvisor (positive perception - evoked set).

Stage 4 - Purchase decision: After evaluating the possibilities, you've decided to choose the well-known pizza delivery chain. In addition, a new episode of your favorite TV show is broadcasted tonight on TV.

Stage 5 - Post-purchase behavior: The pizza was good (positive review). But you know there was too many calories and you regret a little bit (mixed feelings about yourself). The next time you will choose the sushi restaurant. There is less fat in sushi than pizza (next purchase behavior)!

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