What counts most in motivating the sales force?
1. A clear sales task: ensure that the linkage between effort expended and actual sales results is good and tight
2. Need for achievement: salespeople who value achievement exhibit higher levels of performance than do salespeople who emphasize other values
3. Incentive compensation and recognition: incentive compensation makes a strong link between reward (and often recognition) and expended effort
4. Good leadership: goal setting, coaching, evaluation, empathy, and knowledge are leadership skills that can contribute to salesperson performance
Learn More :
- What is the product life cycle and what is it based off of?
- What are the types of brand valuation?
- What are the determinants of service quality?
- What are the characteristics of services marketing and what are their marketing problems/solutions?
- What is a product mix? What are the four dimensions of a product mix?
- What is a brand? What are the advantages of branding?
- What is a product? what are three levels of a product?
- Describe the different types of value propositions on which a company might position its products.
- Explain the four major segmentation variables for consumer markets.
- Explain the four major steps in designing a customer-driven marketing marketing strategy.
- Explain the major types of buying situations.
- Identify and describe the stages in the adoption process of a new product.
- Describe the steps of the buyer decision.
- Explain Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
- What is the customer relationship management (CRM)? What are the functions of CRM? How do firms benefit from CRM systems?
- Differentiate between the three types of marketing research objectives: exploratory research, descriptive research, and causal research.
- Explain the steps involved in the marketing research process.
- Marketers can obtain needed information from internal data, marketing intelligence, and marketing research. Describe some common sources of each of these.
- Discuss the four Ps of the typical marketing mix.
- Discuss the four Ps of the typical marketing mix.
- What is a business portfolio? How does a company typically conduct a portfolio analysis?
- Define customer equity, and explain why it is important to a company.
- Compare and contrast the product and production concepts.
- Using suitable examples, briefly compare and contrast the concepts of needs, wants, and demands. Discuss how these concepts relate to the marketing practices.