How do differences in social culture influence values in business?

How do differences in social culture influence values in business?

Certain aspects can fluence values in business enormously.

  • Power distance

How society deals with inequality in physical and intellectual capabilities. High power distance is therefore found in countries that let gaps grow between rich and poor, and do not seem to believe all humans are equal.

  • Individualism vs collectivism

Whether colleagues are closely connected with tight relationships, creating a tight collective entity or if they do not have tight relationships, with separated individuals.

  • Uncertainty avoidance

The extent to which different cultures socialize their members into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating uncertainty. In developed countries with good employment securities, the uncertainty avoidance is normally much higher than in developing countries.

  • Masculinity vs Femininity

The differences of roles between men and women. Masculine cultures have larger differences in roles, give better positions to men and pay them higher wages than women.

  • Long-term vs Short-term Orientation
Related to trust, if high trust in incorporated in a business arrangement, payments can be delayed with much less fuss than if done in a short-term orientated culture.

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