What are the different promotional/product strategies available to an international marketer?

What are the different promotional/product strategies available to an international marketer?

1. Domestic-market-extension orientation
Selling the same product that is sold in thehome country market internationally. Eg. cleaners and washing powders, Big Mac, Coca-Cola

2. Multidomestic-market orientation
Developing different products to fit the uniqueness of each country market. The most common strategy

3. Global orientation
Seeking commonalties in needs among sets of country markets and responding with a global product, eg. iPhone, Louis Vuitton, Chanel.

An important issue in choosing which alternative to use is whether or not a company is starting from scratch (i.e., no existing products to market abroad), or whether it has products already established in various country markets. For a company starting fresh, the prudent alternative is to develop a global product. If the company has several products that have evolved over time in various foreign markets, then the task is one of repositioning the existing products into a global product.

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