What are the different theories of FDI? Why is it a good idea?

What are the different theories of FDI? Why is it a good idea?

  • Limitations of exporting

→ Constrained by transportation cost and trade barriers
→ Especially unprofitable for low value-to-weight products
→ Fear of future import tariffs and quotas

  • Limitations of licensing

→ Possibility of giving away valuable technological know-how
→ Lost of tight control manufacturing, marketing and strategy and therefore difficult to enforce radical decisions
→ Decrease in production efficiency due to lacking management by licensee

  • Advantages of FDI
→ Helps avoid high transportation costs and tariff barriers
→ Ensures valuable technological know-how remains safe within the hands of the firm.
→ Firm retains tight control over manufacturing, marketing and strategy which can help gain greater market shares and maximize profitability
→ Maximized efficiency in all parts of production due to good management

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